Setting up the production environment

Once you have successfully set up your DISBi application and verified that everything works as intended, you will want to make DISBi available to all people from your Systems Biology project. To do this, you need to move from the development to a production environment. This is a guide for using Apache Server on Debian/Ubuntu as a production server. Any other production environment or server recommended by the Django documentation will do as well.

Install Apache:

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-dev

Download mod_wsgi, but look for newer version on

$ wget
$ tar xvfz 4.5.7.tar.gz

Install from source:

$ ./configure --with-python=</path/to/env/>
$ make
$ sudo make install

Enable mod_wsgi with Debian script:

$ sudo a2enmod wsgi

Set WSGIPythonHome, in apache2.conf.

See in case of problems.

Set WSGIPythonHome, in apache2.conf, see also

Set up a virtual host by using the template from the boilerplate.

Enable vhost and reload the server:

$ a2ensite disbi.conf
$ service apache2 reload

If error occurs, probably tkinter is missing:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-tk

Preparing for production by adapting

DEBUG = False
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['myhost']