Source code for disbi.option_utils

Module for treating the custom DISBi options attached to the model fields.
from django.apps import apps

[docs]def get_display_name(field): """ Get the name used to display a field in the external representation. Args: field (Field): The respective field. Returns: str: The display_name used for external representation. """ name = getattr(field, 'di_display_name', # If field has the `display_name` attribute, but the attribute # is empty return `` instead. return name if name else
[docs]def get_models_of_superclass(app_label, model_superclasses, intermediary=False): """ Get all the models that derive from one superclass and include the intermediary models for N:M related models. Args: app_label (str): The label of the app the models live in. model_superclasses (iterable of type): The classes from which all models of interest derive. Keyword Args: intermediary (bool): Determines whether models should be included. Returns: list: All models that derive from `mode_superclass`. Plus their intermediary models that are no proxys if ``intermediary`` is True. """ app_models = apps.get_app_config(app_label).get_models() models_of_supcls = [] # Get all models of the superclasses. for model in app_models: for model_supcls in model_superclasses: if issubclass(model, model_supcls) and not model._meta.proxy: models_of_supcls.append(model) # Get all intermediary models of the afore found models. if intermediary: for model in models_of_supcls: for intermediary_model in model._meta.many_to_many: models_of_supcls.append(intermediary_model.remote_field.through) return models_of_supcls