Setting up Django

If you are new to Django, it is recommended to take the tutorial. If you have worked with Django, but not in conjunction with a virtual environment or PostgreSQL, you can use the documentation as an opinionated guide. Programmers who have a Django environment with PostgreSQL already running can skip this part.

Setting up a virtual environment

To encapsulate your project dependencies, it is recommended to use a virtual environment. A convenient way to do this is to use Conda, but any environment manager will do. For a lightweight installation in production, you should use the Miniconda distribution.

Find the installer appropriate for your distribution at and downlaod it, e.g.:

$ wget

Then install from the command line. If you decide to use conda update it first:

$ conda update conda

Then create a new environment for DISBi:

$ conda create -n disbienv python=3.6

Setting up the database

A DISBi app requires PostgreSQL as database backend. This section describes how to install Postgres and set up a new user and a new database that will be used to store the data of your DISBi app.

Manual installation

Note that it is not necessary, but only convenient to create the new user as a superuser.

Install compiler:

$ sudo apt-get install gcc

Install Postgres server and client:

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client libpq-dev

Login as postgres user:

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres

From the Postgres shell create a new superuser:


And set a password:

ALTER USER <disbi_admin> WITH PASSWORD '<passwd>';

Exit the Postgres shell and create a database for DISBi:

$ sudo -u postgres createdb <disbidb>